Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Camping stories tips , ticks, places to camp

Hello to all who see this post in the world. My name is John A Ciampa an Eagle Scout from troop 139 boy scouts at Ht Helen's Howard beach queens. That was very nice of them to let us use their basement for so many year god bless st Helen's and the people who mad this possible. With that said I would tell You that because of the scout I think out side the box.

I have lots to teach and tell You I own other blogs and websites so if you need info on the topics that I blog about feel free to ask. I will help you if you would like to start a blog. Or maybe You just want to read and get pointers on camping and laugh a little bit that's cool too. Life is what you make it think positive and all your dreams can be reality.

See you next time with pictures and camping stories.

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